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The Repentance of 3 Sahaba

Repentance of 3 Sahaba,Book of repentance

The Repentance of 3 Sahaba

It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Shihab that the Messenger of Allah pbuh fought in Tabuk (Tabuk is a place fifteen miles from Madinah on the way to Syria) and he intended to visit the Christians of Rome and Arabia. Intimidation in the evening. Ibn Shihab said: I was told by 'Abd al-Rahmaan ibn' Abdullah ibn Ka'b ibn Malik narrated from him. He said: I heard Ka'b ibn Malik narrate his situation when he was left behind with the Messenger of Allah pbuh in the battle of Tabuk. Ka'b ibn Malik R.A said: 

I did not follow the Messenger of Allah pbuh  in any jihad except the battle of Tabuk, but I stayed behind in Badr, but he did not anger anyone who stayed behind. And in Badr he went out with the Muslims to return the caravan of the Quraish, but Allah drove the Muslims away from their enemies (and the caravan left) in time and I followed the Messenger of Allah pbuh. He was present at Laylat al-Aqaba on the night when the Prophet pbuh took the oath of allegiance from the Ansaar to Islam and to help the Prophet . The first time there were twelve Ansar people  and the second time there were seventy Ansari's (and I do not want to take part in the battle of Badr in return for this night, even though the battle of Badr is more famous among the people than that night) . And my story of staying behind the battle of Tabuk is that when this battle took place, I was the most powerful and wealthy. By Allah, I have never had two camels before and I had two camels at the time of this battle. The Messenger of Allah pbuh went to this battle in the scorching heat and the journey was long and there were forests on the way (far away in which water was scarce and there was fear of death) and there was competition from many enemies. The Prophet pbuh clearly told the Muslims, I will go to this battle. Although it was the custom of the Prophet pbuh not to make his intention clear in other battles out of expediency so that the news would not be known. So that they can prepare themselves. Then he told them that they would have to go somewhere. At that time there were many Muslims with the Prophet pbuh and there was no office in which their names would be written. Ka'b (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: There were few people who wanted to be absent and thought that this matter would remain hidden until a revelation came from Allaah, and this battle was carried out by the Messenger of Allaah pbuh. When the fruit was ripe and the shade was good, and I was very fond of these things. Finally the Messenger of Allah pbuh prepared and the Muslims also prepared with him. I also started going out in the morning with the intention that I should also prepare with them but I would return every day and do something. He would not make a decision and would say in his heart that I could go whenever I wanted, (because I had the luggage for the journey) and so on, until the people kept trying and the Messenger of Allah pbuh Time passed and the Muslims also went out with him and I did not make any preparations. Then in the morning I went out and came back and made no decision, the situation remained the same until the people hurried and all the Mujahideen went ahead, at that time I also intended to meet the coach so that I could meet them! I used to do that but it was not in my destiny. When I went out after the Messenger of Allah pbuh left, I would be sad because I could not find anyone worthy of following except a person who was thought to be a hypocrite or disabled. The Prophet pbuh did not mention me on the way until he reached Tabuk. He was sitting among the people when he said: Where did Ka'b ibn Malik go? ”A man said: Of the Bani Salamah or the Messenger of Allah! His sheets hold him back, he looks at both his sides (ie he is busy and busy with his clothes and soul). On hearing this, Mu'adh ibn Jabal said: You said a bad thing, by Allah or the Messenger of Allah! We consider Ka'b ibn Malik to be good. The Messenger of Allaah pbuh was silent when he heard this. He saw a man in white clothes coming and blowing sand (because he was walking). He said: It is Abu Khaythamah. Then it was Abu Khaythamah and Abu Khaythamah was the person who gave a handful of dates when the hypocrites mocked him. Ka'b ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: When I received the news that the Messenger of Allah pbuh had returned to Madinah from Tabuk, my grief increased. I started making up lies to say something that would make the Prophet pbuh angry tomorrow and for this I started seeking help from every wise person from my family, that is, from him. He also consulted (what should I say) when the people told me that the Messenger of Allah pbuh was approaching, then all the lies became camphor and I understood that now I have fabricated a lie from the Prophet pbuh. Not to be saved, I finally made up my mind to speak the truth, and in the morning the Messenger of Allah pbuh came and when he came from the journey, he would first go to the mosque and recite two Rak'ah prayer, then meet the people. Sit for When the Prophet pbuh had done this, the people who were left behind began to explain their excuses and began to swear. There were more than eighty such people. The Prophet pbuh accepted their apparent word and swore allegiance to them and forgave the supplication for them and entrusted their intention (ie the matter of the heart) to Allaah, even when I came. When I greeted him, the Prophet pbuh smiled, but he smiled in a state of anger. Then the Prophet pbuh said: “Come!” I came walking and came in front of him. The Prophet pbuh sat down and said: Why did you stay behind? You even bought a ride. I said: O Messenger of Allaah! If I were to sit with anyone other than you among the people of the world, I would think that I would get out of his anger by giving an excuse and Allah Almighty has given me the power of speech (ie I make excellent speeches). I swear by Allah that I know that if I tell you a lie and you rejoice, then Allah is near to me and Allah will make you angry with me. He will tell the Prophet pbuh that my excuse was wrong and false and he will get angry) and if I tell you the truth you will surely be angry but I hope that Allaah It will end well. By Allah! I had no excuse. By Allah! I was never as powerful, not as rich as I was when I was left behind. The Messenger of Allaah pbuh said: “Kaaab has spoken the truth.” Then he pbuh said: “All right, until Allaah commands about you.” I stood up and a few people ran to Bani Salamah. They followed me and said to me: By Allah! We do not know if you have done anything wrong before this, so why did you fail and why did you not make an excuse before the Messenger of Allah pbuh and the people who were left behind made excuses and your The forgiveness of the Prophet pbuh was enough to remove sins, by Allaah! They rebuked me until I intended to return to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and to lie to myself and to give an excuse. Then I said to them: It happened to someone else. This is what happened to me. He said: Yes, there are two other people. They also said the same thing that you said: And the Messenger of Allah pbuh said to them what he said to you. I asked: Who are those two people? He said: Marara ibn Rabia and Hilal ibn Umayyah Waqfi. They took the names of two men who were good and were present in the battle of Badr and were worthy of being followed. When they took the names of these two men, I left. And the Messenger of Allah pbuh forbade the Muslims not to speak to the three of us. Those of us who were left behind began to abstain from us, and their condition changed with us. Even the earth seemed to have changed and the land I knew was no more. For fifty nights we were in this state. My two companions became helpless and sat in their houses weeping. But I was the least heard and loud among all the people. I used to go out and come for prayers and walk in the bazaars but no one would talk to me and he would come to the Messenger of Allah pbuh and greet him. The Prophet pbuh used to sit in his place after the prayer and say in his heart that the Prophet pbuh moved his lips to respond to the salutation or not, then he would pray near the Prophet pbuh and look at him. He used to look at the Prophet pbuh with his eyebrows. When I was praying, he would look at me, and when I looked at him, he would look at me. The Prophet pbuh would turn away until the hardships of the Muslims overcame me, so I went and climbed the wall of Abu Qatada's garden. Abu Qatada  was my cousin and I loved him more than all the people, I greeted him, so by Allah he did not even respond to the salutation What is the use of faith unless you love the Prophet  in the presence of the Prophet pbuh? If you get the sahih hadith, then the opinion of the mujtahid and the scholars  who are against it should be hit on the wall and the hadith should be followed. I said to them: O Abu Qatada! I swear by Allah to you that you do not know that I love Allah and His Messenger. He remained silent. Then he swore three or twelve times and said: Allah and His Messenger know best. I did not speak to him, but at the end of my talk, tears came out of my eyes and I turned my back and walked on the wall. As I was going to the market of Madinah, one of the Syrian farmers who had come to Madinah to sell grain said: Who will tell me about the house of Ka'b bin Malik? People started pointing at him until he came to me and gave me a letter from the king of Ghassan, I was a scribe, I read it, it was written in it, after praise of ka'ab,  we have received the news that your master, the Messenger of Allah pbuh, has persecuted you, and that Allah has not made you in the house of humiliation, nor in the place where your right is lost. Come on, we'll take care of you. When I read this letter, I said: This is also an affliction and I burned this letter in the fire. When forty of the fifty days had passed and the revelation did not come, suddenly a person from Messenger of Allah pbuh came to me and said: The Messenger of Allah pbuh commands you to separate from your wife. He said: Should I divorce her or what should I do? He said: No, do not divorce, just stay away and do not associate with her and the same message went to my two companions. I said to my lady: So go to your loved ones and stay there until Allah Almighty gives some order in this regard. On hearing this, the wife of Hilal ibn Umayyah went to the Messenger of Allah pbuh and said: O Messenger of Allah! Hilal ibn Umayyah is an old useless person who has no servant, so do you think it is bad for me to serve him? The Prophet pbuh said: I do not consider service bad, but he should not associate with you. He said: By Allah! He doesn't care about anything and by Allah! He has been weeping since that day. My family said: I wish you would ask the Messenger of Allah pbuh to stay with his wife because he was the wife of Hilal bin Umayyah. Allowed to serve him. I said: I will never ask permission from the Prophet pbuh for my wife and I do not know what the Messenger of Allah pbuh will say if I ask permission for my wife and I am a young man. Then I remained in this state for ten nights until fifty nights had elapsed. From the date on which the Prophet pbuh forbade us to speak, then on the fiftieth night in the morning I prayed at my house. On the roof I was sitting in the same position in which Allah Almighty described our situation that my heart was narrow and the earth was narrow for me, even though it is so wide. At that time I heard the voice of a caller who Ascended (Salah is a mountain in Madinah) and cried out loudly: O Ka'b bin Malik! Be happy Hearing this, I fell in prostration and I recognized that happiness had come. Then the Prophet pbuh informed the people that Allaah had forgiven us when he had offered the Fajr prayer. People went to give us the good news, so some of the good news went to my two companions and a man ran a horse towards me and a runner ran towards me from the tribe of Aslam and his voice reached me quickly than the horse. When the man come from whom I heard the good news, I took off both my clothes and put them on, in return for the good news. By Allah! At that time I had the same two clothes. I borrowed two clothes and put them on and left with the intention of meeting the Prophet pbuh. People used to meet me in groups and congratulate me on forgiveness and say: Congratulations on Allah's forgiveness for you until I reach the mosque. The Prophet pbuh was sitting in the mosque and he had people with him. Talha ibn Ubaidullah stood up as soon as he saw me and ran until he shook hands with me and congratulated me. By Allah! None of the Muhajireen stood up except him, so Ka'b did not forget this kindness of Talhah. Ka'b said: When I greeted the Messenger of Allah pbuh, his face was shining with bliss. The Prophet pbuh said: “Rejoice, this is the best day for you since your mother gave birth to you.” I said: “O Messenger of Allaah! Is this forgiveness from you or from Allah Almighty? The Prophet pbuh said: “By Allaah.” And when the Messenger of Allah pbuh was pleased, his face would glow as if it were a piece of the moon, and we would recognise that. When I sat in front of the , I said: O Messenger of Allah! In the joy of my forgiveness, should I give my wealth in charity to Allah and His Messenger? The Prophet pbuh said: “Keep some of your wealth.” I said: “Then I will keep my share of Khyber.” And I said: “O Messenger of Allaah! In the end, the truth saved me and my repentance includes that I will always tell the truth as long as I live. Ka'b said: By Allah! I do not know that Allah Almighty has done such a favor to a Muslim in speaking the truth since I mentioned it to the Messenger of Allah pbuh. I have not intentionally lied since that time: since he said this to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to this day, and I hope that Allah will save me from lying for the rest of my life. Ka'b said: 

Allah has sent down these verses:

لَقَدۡ تَّابَ اللّٰہُ عَلَی النَّبِیِّ وَ الۡمُہٰجِرِیۡنَ وَ الۡاَنۡصَارِ الَّذِیۡنَ اتَّبَعُوۡہُ فِیۡ

 سَاعَۃِ الۡعُسۡرَۃِ مِنۡۢ بَعۡدِ مَا کَادَ یَزِیۡغُ قُلُوۡبُ فَرِیۡقٍ مِّنۡہُمۡ ثُمَّ تَابَ

 عَلَیۡہِمۡ ؕ اِنَّہٗ بِہِمۡ رَءُوۡفٌ رَّحِیۡمٌ   وَّ عَلَی الثَّلٰثَۃِ الَّذِیۡنَ خُلِّفُوۡا ؕ حَتّٰۤی

 اِذَا ضَاقَتۡ عَلَیۡہِمُ الۡاَرۡضُ بِمَا رَحُبَتۡ وَ ضَاقَتۡ عَلَیۡہِمۡ اَنۡفُسُہُمۡ وَ

 ظَنُّوۡۤا اَنۡ لَّا مَلۡجَاَ مِنَ اللّٰہِ  اِلَّاۤ  اِلَیۡہِ ؕ ثُمَّ تَابَ عَلَیۡہِمۡ لِیَتُوۡبُوۡا ؕ اِنَّ

 اللّٰہَ ہُوَ التَّوَّابُ  الرَّحِیۡمُ ۱۱۸  یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللّٰہَ وَ

 کُوۡنُوۡا مَعَ  الصّٰدِقِیۡنَ

Translation: Indeed, Allah Almighty forgave the Prophet and the Muhajireen and the Ansar who supported the Prophet in times of poverty." He even said: "He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate."  And Allah forgave the three who were left behind until when the earth became narrow for them in spite of the openness and their souls became narrow and they thought that there is no escape from Allah except to Him.  Forgive them so that they may repent. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.  Fear Allah Almighty and be with the truthful.[Surah Tauba : 117-119]


Ka'b said: By Allah!  Allah Almighty has done me no more favours than this after Islam which is so great in my opinion that I told the truth to the Messenger of Allah pbuh and did not lie, otherwise I would have perished like the liars perished.   When Allah Almighty revealed the revelation of liars.

سَیَحۡلِفُوۡنَ بِاللّٰہِ لَکُمۡ اِذَا انۡقَلَبۡتُمۡ اِلَیۡہِمۡ لِتُعۡرِضُوۡا عَنۡہُمۡ ؕ فَاَعۡرِضُوۡا

 عَنۡہُمۡ ؕ اِنَّہُمۡ  رِجۡسٌ ۫ وَّ مَاۡوٰىہُمۡ  جَہَنَّمُ ۚ جَزَآءًۢ  بِمَا کَانُوۡا یَکۡسِبُوۡنَ

 ۹۵ یَحۡلِفُوۡنَ لَکُمۡ  لِتَرۡضَوۡا عَنۡہُمۡ ۚ فَاِنۡ تَرۡضَوۡا عَنۡہُمۡ فَاِنَّ اللّٰہَ 

 لَا  یَرۡضٰی عَنِ الۡقَوۡمِ  الۡفٰسِقِیۡنَ ۹۶

Translation: When you returned, they began to swear that you would not say anything to them, so do not speak to them that they are unclean. Their abode is Hell. This is the recompense of what they have earned. They swear to you that you may be pleased with them. ۔ So, even if you are happy with them,  Allah will not be pleased with the evildoers. [Surah Tauba : 95-96]

Ka'b said: We are the three men who were left behind by the people whose excuse the Messenger of Allah pbuh accepted. They swore allegiance to him and asked forgiveness for him and the Messenger of Allah kept us (put our case) until Allah decided. Forgive the three who were left behind, and the word (خُلِّفُوْا) does not mean that we are left behind in jihad, but it means that we are left behind and put on trial. Of those who swore and made excuses to the Prophet pbuh and he accepted their excuses. [Sahih Muslim : 7016]

Hope you will learn a lesson of repentance from  The Repentance of 3 Sahaba. Share to others for the sake of Allah

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